Monthly Archives: July 2011

Time to link CPD with classroom practice and children’s learning

The Teaching Council has published a report (available here)  on primary teachers’ participation in professional development that draws on data gathered from teachers’ responses to questionnaires in the Growing up in Ireland study. Teachers were asked the following questions: Continue reading

Finger on the pulse

Saying a doctor “can’t take a pulse” is a vivid way to sum-up a doctor’s incompetence. What would be the equivalent for a teacher?

Yesterday a fitness to practice inquiry by the Medical Council into a doctor who had worked in Letterkenny General Hospital found her guilty of poor professional performance. Continue reading

Challenge as the balancing of frustration and indifference

What makes you stick with a puzzle or a problem or a crossword clue until you solve it? What makes you give up?
One of the important things a teacher has to do in teaching mathematics is to balance the tension between a learner’s indifference and the learner’s frustration. Continue reading