
Here are links to some papers that I have authored and co-authored:


Charalambous, C.Y., Agathangelou, S., Delaney, S., & Papadouris, N. (2023). “Engaging all students in challenging work: Working at the intersection of cognitively challenging tasks and differentiation during lesson planning and enactment.”  in J. Cai, G.J. Stylianides & P.A. Kenney (eds.), On the learning and teaching of mathematics: Research studies in honor of Edward A. Silver.   The original publication is available here. SpringerCham. pp. 179-218.

Charalambous, C.Y. & Delaney, S. (2020). “Mathematics teaching practices and practice-based pedagogies: A critical review of the literature since 2000”  in D. Potari & O. Chapman, International handbook of mathematics teacher education Volume 1: Knowledge beliefs and identity in mathematics teaching and teaching development (2nd Ed).   The original publication is available here. Leiden, NL: Brill. pp 355-390.

Delaney, S. (2020). Number in the senior primary classes: Commissioned research paper . Dublin: NCCA.

Delaney, S. (2017). Become the Primary Teacher Everyone Wants to Have: A Guide to Career Success . Book published by Routledge.

Delaney, S. (2017). Children’s Performance on a problem they were not taught to solve: A case study . Presentation at CERME 10, February 2017, Dublin

Stylianides A.J. & Delaney, S. (2017). Pre-service mathematics teachers’ knowledge and beliefs in G.J. Stylianides & K. Hino, IResearch Advances in the Mathematical Education of Pre-service Elementary Teachers .   The original publication is available here. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. p. 219-28

Delaney, S. (2012). Maths Teaching in Your School: Questions to Clarify and Change Practice. Leadership+ 70, p. 6.

Delaney, S. (2012). A validation study of the use of mathematical knowledge for teaching measures in Ireland. ZDM 44 (3), 427-441. The final publication is available at at

Blömeke, S. & Delaney, S. (2012). Assessment of teacher knowledge across countries: A review of the state of research. ZDM 44 (3), 223-247. The final publication is available at

Stylianides A.J. & Delaney, S. (2011). Pre-service mathematics teachers’ knowledge and beliefs in T.Rowland & K. Ruthven, Mathematical Knowledge in Teaching   The original publication is available here. Dordrecht: Springer. p. 171-91

Delaney, S. (2010) Knowing what counts: Irish primary teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching. Dublin, Ireland: Marino Institute of Education & Department of Education and Science

Delaney, S. (2010) The absent voice of (primary) teachers. Intouch, 114, October 2010

Charalambous, C.Y., Delaney, S., Hsu, H., & Mesa, V. (2010) A Comparative Analysis of the Addition and Subtraction of Fractions in Textbooks from Three Countries. Mathematical Thinking and Learning 12 (2), 117-151. The original publication is available here.

Delaney, S. (2009) A Study of Teaching the Skills of the Primary School Mathematics Curriculum: Teaching Equivalence in context. Report prepared for and funded by The Teaching Council.

Delaney, S. (2008) Knowledge for practice: The mathematical demands of primary teaching. Intouch, 99, November 2008

Delaney, S. (2008) Unacknowledged Expertise: Irish Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching. Intouch, 98, October 2008

Delaney, S., Ball, D.L., Hill, H.C., Schilling, S.G., & Zopf, D., (2008) “Mathematical knowledge for teaching”: Adapting U.S. measures for use in Ireland. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 11(3), 171-197. The original publication is available here.

Delaney S., 2008, Adapting and using U.S. measures to study Irish teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching. Unpublished doctoral dissertation: University of Michigan

Delaney, S. (2005). Mathematics professional development for primary teachers: Looking back and looking forward. In Close, S., Dooley, T., & Corcoran, D., (Eds.) Proceedings of the first national conference on research in mathematics education (p. 235 – 249). Dublin, Ireland: St. Patrick’s College.

Delaney, S. (2003) Different Ways to Calculate. Intouch, 46, January/February 2003, Dublin, Ireland: Irish National Teachers’ Organisation

Delaney, S. (2002) Using Gaelic Games to Teach Mathematics Primary teachers’ mathematics association newsletter. Dublin, Ireland.

Delaney, S. (1999) Physical Coordination and Dyslexia. Unpublished manuscript.

In order to read most of these papers you may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader if you do not already have it.


2 Responses to Publications

  1. Hi there,

    The links to the two InTouch 2008 articles listed below are no longer working. I am a Masters Student writing a thesis in relation to Mathematics in the Irish Primary School, I would be very interested to read these articles. Is it possible to restore the links or to send copies?

    Delaney, S. (2008) Knowledge for practice: The mathematical demands of primary teaching. Intouch, 98, October 2008

    Delaney, S. (2008) Unacknowledged expertise: Irish teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching. Intouch, 97, October

    Many thanks,

    • Thanks for letting me know about this. It has now been rectified. I hope you find the articles helpful. SD

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